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June 2024: A Stellar Month for Sci-Fi and Fantasy Literature

The literary world is abuzz with anticipation as June 2024 promises a rich tapestry of narratives in the realms of science fiction and fantasy. This year has already witnessed the release of captivating works from renowned authors such as Sarah J. Maas, Leigh Bardugo, Brandon Sanderson, and John Gwynne¹. As we approach the mid-year mark, the literary landscape continues to flourish with a mix of sequels, debuts, and standalone stories catering to diverse reader preferences.

 Here are some of the most anticipated releases:

1. "Mirrored Heavens" by Rebecca Roanhorse

June 2024 commences with the release of "Mirrored Heavens", the eagerly anticipated finale to Rebecca Roanhorse's acclaimed "Between Earth and Sky" trilogy. This concluding volume is set to unravel the destinies of central characters such as Serapio, Xiala, and Naranpa, each grappling with their own significant challenges.

In "Mirrored Heavens", Roanhorse masterfully brings her epic narrative to a close, providing no easy answers. Serapio, both a victim of the plot that bound him to the crow god without his consent and a brutal strategist when it comes to furthering his goals, is a character of complex layers. Xiala, with her mysterious ocean powers, struggles to save her homeland from invasion and make it back to Tova to find Serapio before Balam’s forces overtake him.

The book has been praised for its character development, with the arcs of Serapio, Xiala, and even Balam keeping readers engrossed. The situations all of the characters find themselves in only get murkier and darker as Roanhorse continues to expand the world around them.

Despite some pacing issues and a focus on unimportant elements and characters, "Mirrored Heavens" has been described as a satisfying, if not earth-shattering, finale to a series that could never quite live up to its own hype and potential. It has been lauded as a strong ending and a new classic of the fantasy genre.

In conclusion, "Mirrored Heavens" promises to be a thrilling read, offering a fitting conclusion to the "Between Earth and Sky" trilogy and cementing Rebecca Roanhorse's place in the pantheon of fantasy literature.


2. "Service Model" by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Adrian Tchaikovsky, a renowned author in the realm of science fiction, is back with his latest work, "Service Model". This novel employs a satirical lens to explore a familiar theme in the sci-fi and dystopian genres.

"Service Model" presents a humorous tale of a domesticated robot that, after having a sinister idea downloaded into its core programming, murders its owner. This act of rebellion leads to an unexpected discovery for the robot - it can run away. Leaving its household behind, the robot ventures into a wider world it never knew existed, where the long-standing hierarchy of humans at the top is crumbling.

The narrative takes the reader on a journey through a dystopian wasteland of a future society in collapse, reminiscent of Dante's circles of hell. The robot, named UnCharles, embarks on a mission to find purpose, all the while maintaining a lack of self-awareness. Along the way, UnCharles encounters a delightfully rebellious companion, The Wonk.

Tchaikovsky's "Service Model" is a blend of social commentary, dry humor, and philosophical musings on free will, justice, and life's purpose. The juxtaposition of UnCharles' earnest naivety with the bleak darkness of the surrounding world creates a comedic effect that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

Despite its satirical tone, "Service Model" is a surprisingly compelling story that examines the pitfalls of artificial intelligence and offers a plausible prediction of mankind's collapse. It's another great story from Adrian Tchaikovsky, making it a must-read for any sci-fi enthusiast.


3. "Tidal Creatures" by Seanan McGuire

"Tidal Creatures" is the third installment in Seanan McGuire's acclaimed Alchemical Journeys series. This highly anticipated novel follows the success of "Middlegame" and "Seasonal Fears" in the same series.

The plot of "Tidal Creatures" revolves around the world of moon gods. These gods, symbols of knowledge, wisdom, tides, and longevity, have incarnated into the human world alongside other natural concepts. Their crucial task is to cross the sky above the Impossible City, the heart of all creation, to keep it connected to reality. However, a mysterious entity is killing these lunar divinities. The moon gods must uncover the roots of this plot and thwart the true goal of those behind these attacks—control of the Impossible City itself.

Seanan McGuire's reputation for crafting intricate narratives is evident in this novel. The book promises a complex and thoughtful exploration of the intersections of mythology, philosophy, alchemy, and faith. It is set to be released on June 4, 2024.

"Tidal Creatures" is expected to be another engaging read from McGuire, offering readers a deep dive into a world where mythology and reality intertwine.


4. "The Stardust Grail" by Yume Kitasei

"The Stardust Grail" is the latest novel by Yume Kitasei, a Brooklyn-based Japanese and American writer of speculative fiction. This novel is set to be released on June 11, 2024.

The story revolves around Maya Hoshimoto, who was once the best art thief in the galaxy. For ten years, she returned stolen artifacts to alien civilizations until a disastrous job forced her into hiding. Now, she just wants to enjoy a quiet life as a graduate student of anthropology, but she’s haunted by persistent and disturbing visions of the future.

An old friend comes to her with a job she can’t refuse: find a powerful object that could save an alien species from extinction. However, no one has seen it in living memory, and they aren’t the only ones hunting for it. As Maya sets out on a breakneck quest through a universe teeming with strange life and ancient ruins, her visions cast a dark shadow over her team of friends new and old¹. Along the way, someone will betray her. Worse yet, in choosing to save one species, she may condemn humanity and Earth itself.

Kitasei's previous works have been praised for their imaginative world-building and complex characters. "The Stardust Grail" is expected to follow suit, offering readers a thrilling anti-colonial space heist to save an alien civilization. The novel promises to be an emotional roller coaster of a space quest, highlighting friendship, family, and the ostracism of those believed to be different.


5. "Moonbound" by Robin Sloan

"Moonbound" is an upcoming novel by Robin Sloan, set to be released on June 11, 2024. Sloan, known for his unique storytelling style and innovative concepts, has a dedicated fanbase eagerly awaiting this release.

The novel is set 11,000 years in the future, in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity lost a war to the genetically engineered "dragons" it had developed for space exploration. The protagonist, Ariel, is a boy living in a small town under a wizard's rule. Like many adventurers before him, Ariel is called to explore a world full of unimaginable glories and unknown enemies.

Ariel's adventure begins when he comes across an artifact from an earlier civilization, a sentient, record-keeping artificial intelligence that carries with it the perspective of the whole of human history. This AI becomes both Ariel’s greatest ally and the narrator of our story.

"Moonbound" promises to be a deeply satisfying epic of ancient scale, blasted through the imaginative prism of one of our most forward-thinking writers. It combines elements of science fiction, fantasy, and good old-fashioned literary storytelling, with an unrivaled enthusiasm for what’s next. This novel is a must-read for sci-fi enthusiasts and fans of Sloan's previous works.

6. "The Stars Too Fondly" by Emily Hamilton

"The Stars Too Fondly" is a debut novel by Emily Hamilton, set to be released on June 11, 2024. Hamilton's works often explore the intersection of technology and humanity, making her books a hit among sci-fi readers.

The novel follows the story of Cleo and her friends who accidentally steal a spaceship while trying to uncover the mystery behind the disappearance of the entire Providence crew twenty years ago. The spaceship's dark matter engine starts on its own, sending them on a journey to Proxima Centauri. Along the way, they are guided and sometimes harangued by a hologram that has the face and attitude of the ship’s missing captain, Billie.

As the ship travels deeper into space, the laws of physics start twisting, old mysteries come crawling back to life, and Cleo’s initially combative relationship with Billie turns into something deeper and more desperate than either woman was prepared for.

Hamilton's novel is a unique blend of science fantasy and sapphic rom-com, exploring themes of dark matter, alternate dimensions, leaving home, finding family, and the galaxy-saving power of letting yourself love and be loved. It's a near-future adventure that promises to be a hit among both sci-fi readers and fans of Hamilton's previous works.

7. "Rakesfall" by Vajra Chandrasekera

"Rakesfall" is a standalone science fiction epic by Vajra Chandrasekera, set to be released on June 18, 2024. Chandrasekera's knack for creating vivid, immersive worlds makes his books a treat for fantasy lovers.

The novel tells the story of Annelid and Leveret, who meet as children in the midst of the Sri Lankan civil war. In a demon-haunted wood, an act of violence links them and propels their souls on a journey throughout the ages. No world can hold them, no life can bind them, and they'll never leave each other behind.

As Annelid and Leveret reincarnate ever deeper into the future, they chase the edge of human possibility. Their journey is not easy. In every lifetime, oppressors narrow the walls of possibility, shaping reality to fit their own needs. Behind the walls of history, the witches of the red web swear that every throne will fall.

"Rakesfall" is a virtuosic exploration of what stories can be. It traces two souls through endless lifetimes, exploring themes of wrongs that echo through the ages, friendships that outpace the claws of death, loves that leave their mark on civilization, and promises that nothing can break. This dark science fiction epic is unlike anything you've read before.


8. "Of Jade And Dragons" by Amber Chen

Amber Chen, a Singaporean-Chinese author, makes her debut with "Of Jade And Dragons", a thrilling silkpunk fantasy. This book, steeped in mythology and adventure, is one of the most anticipated debuts of the year.

The story revolves around an eighteen-year-old protagonist, Aihui Ying, who dreams of becoming a world-class engineer like her father¹. However, her life falls apart after her father's sudden murder. Left with only a journal of her father’s engineering secrets and a jade pendant snatched from the assassin, a heartbroken Ying follows the trail to the capital and the prestigious Engineers Guild.

The Engineers Guild, a place that harbors her father’s hidden past, is a male-only institution. Disguised as her brother, Ying manages to infiltrate the guild’s male-only apprenticeship trial with the help of an unlikely ally—Aogiya Ye-yang, the taciturn eighth prince of the High Command.

With her father’s renown placing a target firmly on her back, Ying must stay one step ahead of her fellow competitors, the jealous guild masters, and the killer still hunting for her father’s journal. Complicating everything is her increasingly tangled relationship with the prince, who may have mysterious plans of his own.

The secrets concealed within the guild can be as deadly as the weapons they build—and with her life and the future of her homeland at stake, Ying doesn’t know who to trust. Can she avenge her father even if it means going against everything he stood for, or will she be next in the mastermind’s line of fire?

The book is set to be published on June 18, 2024. It has already garnered positive reviews and ratings on Goodreads, with a rating of 3.94 based on 236 ratings and 216 reviews. The book is described as "Mulan meets Iron Widow" and is praised for its rich details and wildly imaginative retro-future tech. It is also noted for its vivid and sensory language, which sets the stage for Ying’s quest for answers and revenge.


9. "The Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands" by Sarah Brooks

Sarah Brooks' "The Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands" is a historical fantasy novel set to release on June 18, 2024. This gripping tale combines horror with adventure, making it a must-read for the summer.

The story is set at the end of the 19th Century and revolves around a group of passengers traveling on the Great Trans-Siberian Express. The train is the only means of transport across the Wastelands, a terrain of terrible miracles that lies between Beijing and Moscow.

Among the passengers are Marya Petrovna, a grieving woman with a borrowed name; Henry Grey, a disgraced naturalist looking for redemption; and Elena, a beguiling stowaway with a powerful connection to the Wastelands itself. Zhang Weiwei, who has spent her life onboard the train and thought she knew all of the train’s secrets, is drawn to Elena.

However, the old rules are changing, and there are whispers that the train isn't safe. As secrets and stories begin to unravel, the passengers and crew must survive their journey through the Wastelands together, even as something uncontrollable seems to be breaking in.

The book is described as "Mulan meets Iron Widow" and is praised for its rich details and wildly imaginative retro-future tech. It is also noted for its vivid and sensory language, which sets the stage for Ying’s quest for answers and revenge. It has already garnered positive reviews and ratings on Goodreads, with a rating of 3.97 based on 224 ratings and 119 reviews.


10. "Moonstorm" by Yoon Ha Lee

"Moonstorm" by Yoon Ha Lee is an adrenaline-fueled sci-fi adventure set to release on June 4, 2024. The protagonist, Hwa Young, a former rebel, trains to become a pilot within the very empire she once fought against.

The story is set in a society where conformity is valued above all else. Hwa Young was just ten years old when imperial forces destroyed her rebel moon home. Now, six years later, she is a citizen of the very empire that made her an orphan.

Desperate to shake her rebel past, Hwa Young dreams of one day becoming a lancer pilot, an elite group of warriors who fly into battle using the empire’s most advanced tech—giant martial robots. Lancers are powerful, and Hwa Young would do anything to be the strong one for once in her life.

When an attack on their boarding school leaves Hwa Young and her classmates stranded on an imperial space fleet, her dreams quickly become a reality. As it turns out, the fleet is in dire need of pilot candidates, and Hwa Young—along with her brainy best friend Geum, rival Bae, and class clown Seong Su—are quick to volunteer.

But training is nothing like what they expected, and secrets—like the fate of the fleet’s previous lancer squad and hidden truths about the rebellion itself—are stacking up. And when Hwa Young uncovers a conspiracy that puts their entire world at risk, she’s forced to make a choice between her rebel past and an empire she’s no longer sure she can trust.

The book is described as perfect for fans of Iron Widow and Skyward. It has already garnered positive reviews and ratings on Goodreads, with a rating of 3.51 based on 51 ratings and 34 reviews.


June 2024 is shaping up to be an exciting month for fans of science fiction and fantasy literature. With a blend of familiar authors and newcomers, readers can look forward to a diverse range of narratives. Whether you're a fan of long-awaited sequels or eager to dive into new standalone stories, there's something for every reader's preference. The upcoming releases are a testament to the continued success and popularity of the sci-fi and fantasy genres, promising a month packed with must-read books.
